Making money online, many a times requires you to have your own product or a website for which you end up spending more than what you have earned. Today the Internet savvy generation has given rise to various websites, which pay for your knowledge and your contacts. Now, there is no need of doing Internet marketing and designer jobs. The common speciality of these websites is that they are free to use. You do not need to spend even a penny to earn an amount of money. Just your knowledge and your contacts will make enough money for you.
Referring job seekers can make you a considerable amount of money online. There are many sites such as Referearns, Zyoin, Bohire and Wisestepp which usually pay for referring a suitable prospective candidate who is searching for a job. The payment can be anywhere from $50 to a thousand dollars.
There is also a growing number of websites today which pay for posting articles and blogs. Associated content and Helium have the criteria of pay for performance, where you get paid for page views. If they need some particular articles, then you can even earn up to $200. For bloggers, there are many websites which offer many blogging jobs.
You can also start your own blog by using blogging software. Software such as Blogger can help you set up a blog in less than five minutes and it is also free to use without possessing any knowledge related to web designing. Blogger also activates google ad sense so that you get paid every time someone clicks on an ad from your blog page.
You can also use your photos to generate some amount of income. Many people are searching for stock photos for their websites, presentations and for many other things. So you can easily make money online for free by uploading your photos, which pay you accordingly. Sites such as Fototlia, Shutterstock, istockphoto, and Dreamstime are some of the best to upload photos and make some money out of it.
There are many such jobs such as Data Entry, Freelance writing and testing which require no specific expertise except your knowledge and they are is totally free to do. Hence, making money online is growing in its popularity because its free as well as safe for those who want to earn some extra income.

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